Packaging - Stretch Wrap Supplies - Hand-Held Stretch Wrappers - SJF Material Handling Online Store

Hand-Held Stretch Wrappers

Find Hand Held Stretch Wrappers at SJF Material Handling - the nation's largest new & used material handling distributor. Choose from several models available for immediate shipment. 

  • Hand-Held Stretch Wrappers

    Hand-Held Stretch Wrappers

    These hand held, lightweight, freewheeling stretch wrap dispensers maintain precision tension control, assuring a tight, smooth application. They are perfect for your everyday strapping needs. Choose from our two models - Economy or Deluxe. Economy...
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  • Hand Held Stretch Wrap Film

    Hand Held Stretch Wrap Film

    This hand-held stretch wrap film comes in 3", 5", or 15" widths. It is sold in carton quantities. Choose your size and quantity: 3"W x 1,000'L, 90 gauge - Quantity of 18 5"W x 1,000'L, 90 gauge - Quantity of 12 18"W x 1,500'L, 80 gauge - Quantity of 4 ...
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  • Stretch Wrap Film Knife

    Stretch Wrap Film Knife

    This compact stretch wrap film knife is small enough to fit in your pocket. Specially angled cutting head easily slices through stretch wrap without sticking or bunching. Safe design will not cut user or products. Made of high-density plastic.
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